From sc2k-reverse
Hex Code | Name | Category |
00 | Clear Ground | Ground Cover |
01 | Rubble (Rubble 1) | Ground Cover |
02 | Rubble (Rubble 2) | Ground Cover |
03 | Rubble (Rubble 3) | Ground Cover |
04 | Rubble (Rubble 4) | Ground Cover |
05 | Radioactive Waste (Radioactivity) | Ground Cover |
06 | Trees (Tree) | Ground Cover |
07 | Trees (Couple O Trees) | Ground Cover |
08 | Trees (More Trees) | Ground Cover |
09 | Trees (Morer Trees) | Ground Cover |
0A | Trees (Even More Trees) | Ground Cover |
0B | Trees (Tons O Trees) | Ground Cover |
0C | Trees (Veritable Jungle) | Ground Cover |
0D | Small park | Ground Cover |
0E | L-R | Power Lines |
0F | T-B | Power Lines |
10 | HT-B | Power Lines |
11 | L-HR | Power Lines |
12 | T-HB | Power Lines |
13 | HL-R | Power Lines |
14 | BR | Power Lines |
15 | BL | Power Lines |
16 | TL | Power Lines |
17 | TR | Power Lines |
18 | RTB | Power Lines |
19 | LBR | Power Lines |
1A | TLB | Power Lines |
1B | LTR | Power Lines |
1C | LTBR | Power Lines |
1D | L-R | Roads |
1E | T-B | Roads |
1F | HT-B | Roads |
20 | L-HR | Roads |
21 | T-HB | Roads |
22 | HL-R | Roads |
23 | BR | Roads |
24 | BL | Roads |
25 | TL | Roads |
26 | TR | Roads |
27 | RTB | Roads |
28 | LBR | Roads |
29 | TLB | Roads |
2A | LTR | Roads |
2B | LTBR | Roads |
2C | (Power lines equivalent) | Rail |
2D | (Power lines equivalent) | Rail |
2E | (Power lines equivalent) | Rail |
2F | (Power lines equivalent) | Rail |
30 | HT-B | Rail |
31 | L-HR | Rail |
32 | T-HB | Rail |
33 | HL-R | Rail |
34 | BR | Rail |
35 | BL | Rail |
36 | TL | Rail |
37 | TR | Rail |
38 | RTB | Rail |
39 | LBR | Rail |
3A | TLB | Rail |
3B | LTR | Rail |
3C | LTBR | Rail |
3F | T | Tunnel Entrances |
40 | R | Tunnel Entrances |
41 | B | Tunnel Entrances |
42 | L | Tunnel Entrances |
43 | Power-TB, Road-LR | Crossovers |
44 | Power-LR, Road-TB | Crossovers |
45 | Road-LR, Rail-TB | Crossovers |
46 | Road-TB, Rail-LR | Crossovers |
47 | Power-TB, Rail-LR | Crossovers |
48 | Power-LR, Rail-TB | Crossovers |
49 | LR | Highways |
4A | TB | Highways |
4B | LR, Road-TB | Highway Crossovers |
4C | TB, Road-LR | Highway Crossovers |
4D | LR, Rail-TB | Highway Crossovers |
4E | TB, Rail-LR | Highway Crossovers |
4F | LR, Power-TB | Highway Crossovers |
50 | TB, Power-LR | Highway Crossovers |
51 | Suspension bridge start B | Bridges |
52 | Suspension bridge middle B | Bridges |
53 | Suspension bridge center | Bridges |
54 | Suspension bridge middle T | Bridges |
55 | Suspension bridge end T | Bridges |
56 | Raising bridge tower | Bridges |
57 | Causeway pylon | Bridges |
58 | Raising bridge middle (lowered) | Bridges |
59 | Raising bridge middle (raised) | Bridges |
5A | Rail bridge, pylon | Bridges |
5B | Rail bridge | Bridges |
5C | Elevated Power Lines | Bridges |
5D | Highway-T, Road-L | Highway Entrance |
5E | Highway-T, Road-R | Highway Entrance |
5F | Highway-B, Road-L | Highway Entrance |
60 | Highway-B, Road-R | Highway Entrance |
61 | HT-B | Highway bits |
62 | L-HR | Highway bits |
63 | T-HB | Highway bits |
64 | HL-R | Highway bits |
65 | BR | Highway bits |
66 | BL | Highway bits |
67 | TL | Highway bits |
68 | TR | Highway bits |
69 | LTBR | Highway bits |
6A | Pylon | Reinforced Bridge |
6B | No pylon | Reinforced Bridge |
6C | Subway-T | Subway to Rail |
6D | Subway-R | Subway to Rail |
6E | Subway-B | Subway to Rail |
6F | Subway-L | Subway to Rail |
70 | Lower-class homes (Lower Class Homes 1) | Residential 1x1 |
71 | Lower-class homes (Lower Class Homes 2) | Residential 1x1 |
72 | Lower-class homes (Lower Class Homes 3) | Residential 1x1 |
73 | Lower-class homes (Lower Class Homes 4) | Residential 1x1 |
74 | Middle-class homes (Middle Class Homes 1) | Residential 1x1 |
75 | Middle-class homes (Middle Class Homes 2) | Residential 1x1 |
76 | Middle-class homes (Middle Class Homes 3) | Residential 1x1 |
77 | Middle-class homes (Middle Class Homes 4) | Residential 1x1 |
78 | Luxury Homes (Upper Class Homes 1) | Residential 1x1 |
79 | Luxury Homes (Upper Class Homes 2) | Residential 1x1 |
7A | Luxury Homes (Upper Class Homes 3) | Residential 1x1 |
7B | Luxury Homes (Upper Class Homes 4) | Residential 1x1 |
7C | Gas Station (Gas Station 1) | Commercial 1x1 |
7D | Bed & Breakfast Inn (Bed and Breakfast Inn) | Commercial 1x1 |
7E | Convenience store (Convenience Store) | Commercial 1x1 |
7F | Gas Station (Gas Station 2) | Commercial 1x1 |
80 | Small office building (Small Office Building 1) | Commercial 1x1 |
81 | Office Building (Small Office Building 2) | Commercial 1x1 |
82 | Warehouse (Warehouse) | Commercial 1x1 |
83 | Cassidy’s Toy Store (Cassidy’s Toy Store) | Commercial 1x1 |
84 | Warehouse (Small WareHouse 1) | Industrial 1x1 |
85 | Chemical Storage (Chemical Storage) | Industrial 1x1 |
86 | Warehouse (Small WareHouse 1) | Industrial 1x1 |
87 | Industrial substation (Industral Substation) | Industrial 1x1 |
88 | Construction (Construction 7) | Misc 1x1 |
89 | Construction (Construction 8) | Misc 1x1 |
8A | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 1) | Misc 1x1 |
8B | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 2) | Misc 1x1 |
8C | Cheap apartments (Small Apartments 1) | Residential 2x2 |
8D | Apartments (Small Apartments 2) | Residential 2x2 |
8E | Apartments (Small Apartments 3) | Residential 2x2 |
8F | Nice Apartments (Medium Apartments 1) | Residential 2x2 |
90 | Nice Apartments (Medium Apartments 2) | Residential 2x2 |
91 | Condominium (Medium Condominiums 1) | Residential 2x2 |
92 | Condominium (Medium Condominiums 2) | Residential 2x2 |
93 | Condominium (Medium Condominiums 3) | Residential 2x2 |
94 | Shopping center (Shopping Center) | Commercial 2x2 |
95 | Grocery store (Grocery Store) | Commercial 2x2 |
96 | Office Building (Medium Office Building 1) | Commercial 2x2 |
97 | Resort hotel | Commercial 2x2 |
98 | Office Building (Medium Office Building 2) | Commercial 2x2 |
99 | Office/Retail (Office/Retail) | Commercial 2x2 |
9A | Office Building (Medium Office Building 3) | Commercial 2x2 |
9B | Office Building (Medium Office Building 4) | Commercial 2x2 |
9C | Office Building (Medium Office Building 5) | Commercial 2x2 |
9D | Office Building (Medium Office Building 6) | Commercial 2x2 |
9E | Warehouse (Medium Warehouse) | Industrial 2x2 |
9F | Chemical Processing (Chemical Processing 2) | Industrial 2x2 |
A0 | Factory (Small Factory 1) | Industrial 2x2 |
A1 | Factory (Small Factory 2) | Industrial 2x2 |
A2 | Factory (Small Factory 3) | Industrial 2x2 |
A3 | Factory (Small Factory 4) | Industrial 2x2 |
A4 | Factory (Small Factory 5) | Industrial 2x2 |
A5 | Factory (Small Factory 6) | Industrial 2x2 |
A6 | Construction (Construction 3) | Misc 2x2 |
A7 | Construction (Construction 4) | Misc 2x2 |
A8 | Construction (Construction 5) | Misc 2x2 |
A9 | Construction (Construction 6) | Misc 2x2 |
AA | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 7) | Misc 2x2 |
AB | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 7) | Misc 2x2 |
AC | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 7) | Misc 2x2 |
AD | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 7) | Misc 2x2 |
AE | Large apartment building (Large Apartments 1) | Residential 3x3 |
AF | Large apartment building (Large Apartments 2) | Residential 3x3 |
B0 | Condominium (Large Condominiums 1) | Residential 3x3 |
B1 | Condominium (Large Condominiums 2) | Residential 3x3 |
B2 | Office park (Office Park) | Commercial 3x3 |
B3 | Office tower (Office Tower 1) | Commercial 3x3 |
B4 | Mini-mall (Mini Mall) | Commercial 3x3 |
B5 | Theater square (Theatre) | Commercial 3x3 |
B6 | Drive-in theater (Drive In) | Commercial 3x3 |
B7 | Office tower (Office Tower 2) | Commercial 3x3 |
B8 | Office tower (Office Tower 3) | Commercial 3x3 |
B9 | Parking lot (Parking Lot) | Commercial 3x3 |
BA | Historic office building (Historic Office) | Commercial 3x3 |
BB | Corporate headquarters (Corporate Headquarters) | Commercial 3x3 |
BC | Chemical processing (Chemical Processing 1) | Industrial 3x3 |
BD | Large factory (Large Factory) | Industrial 3x3 |
BE | Industrial thingamajig (Industrial Thingamajig) | Industrial 3x3 |
BF | Factory (Medium Factory) | Industrial 3x3 |
C0 | Large warehouse (Large Warehouse 1) | Industrial 3x3 |
C1 | Warehouse (Large Warehouse 2) | Industrial 3x3 |
C2 | Construction (Construction 1) | Misc 3x3 |
C3 | Construction (Construction 2) | Misc 3x3 |
C4 | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 7) | Misc 3x3 |
C5 | Abandoned building (Abandoned Building 8) | Misc 3x3 |
C6 | Hydro Power (Hydroelectric Power Plant 1) | Power Plants |
C7 | Hydro Power (Hydroelectric Power Plant 2) | Power Plants |
C8 | Wind Power (Wind Power Plant) | Power Plants |
C9 | Gas Power (Gas Power Plant) | Power Plants |
CA | Oil Power (Oil Power Plant) | Power Plants |
CB | Nuclear Power (Nuclear Power Plant) | Power Plants |
CC | Solar Power (Solar Power Plant) | Power Plants |
CD | Microwave Power (Microwave PowerPlant) | Power Plants |
CE | Fusion Power (Fusion Power Plant) | Power Plants |
CF | Coal Power (Coal Power Plant) | Power Plants |
D0 | City Hall | Services |
D1 | Hospital | Services |
D2 | Police Station (Police Dept) | Services |
D3 | Fire Station (Fire Dept) | Services |
D4 | Museum | Services |
D5 | SimPark System (Big Park) | Services |
D6 | School | Services |
D7 | Stadium | Services |
D8 | Prison | Services |
D9 | College | Services |
DA | Zoo | Services |
DB | Statue | Services |
DC | Water Pump | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
DD | Runway (straight) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
DE | Runway Intersection | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
DF | Pier | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E0 | Crane | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E1 | Control Tower (Civilian Control Tower) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E2 | Control Tower (Military Control Tower) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E3 | Warehouse | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E4 | Building 1 | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E5 | Building 2 | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E6 | Tarmac | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E7 | F-15b | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E8 | Hangar 1 | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
E9 | Subway Station | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
EA | Radar (Tarmac) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
EB | Water Tower | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
EC | Bus Depot | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
ED | Rail Depot | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
EE | Parking lot (Civilian Parking Lot) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
EF | Parking lot (Military Parking Lot) | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F0 | Loading Bay | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F1 | Top Secret | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F2 | Cargo Yard | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F3 | Mayor’s House | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F4 | Water Treatment | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F5 | Library | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F6 | Hangar 2 | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F7 | Church | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F8 | Marina | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
F9 | Missile Silo | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
FA | Desalination Plant | Infrastructure (not power plants) |
FB | Plymouth Arcology | Arcologies |
FC | Forest Arcology | Arcologies |
FD | "DARCO" | Arcologies |
FE | Launch Arcology | Arcologies |
FF | Braun Llama Dome | Other |