Function list
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This is a table of functions in SimCity 2000 that have been at least partially reverse engineered and given names. It is probably going to be unpleasant to update, but at least it looks nice and you can sort it.
When adding new functions to the table, please make sure you insert them into the appropriate order by thunk address (the function that just has a jmp ActualFunctionBody
instruction in it). If/when it gets too unwieldy we can split it out into multiple tables.
Thunk address | Main address | Return type | Calling convention | Function name | Arguments | Status | Related functions | Notes |
0x401262 | 0x468D30 | int | __stdcall | SimulationEQ_LE_Processing | Somewhat understood | Called from SimulationProcessTick day 22? | Handles EQ and LE simulation for the month. | |
0x40130C | 0x45F760 | BOOL | __stdcall | SimulationDoDisasterTick | Barely explored | Called from SimulationStartDisaster | ||
0x4013ED | 0x42BCA0 | int | __cdecl | SimulationCalculateOrdinanceCost | DWORD dwOrdinance | Mostly understood | Returns the effective cost of an ordinance | |
0x401460 | 0x44CF60 | char | __cdecl | SimulationProvisionMicrosim | __int16 a1, int a2, __int16 iTileID | Barely explored | iTileID is the only argument used; needs some RE work for sure | |
0x4015E6 | 0x4731E0 | int | __cdecl | SimulationPrepareBudgetDialog | int a1 | Mostly understood | arg a1 only referenced on line, seems to be more like "BOOL bUseParentWindow" | |
0x401672 | 0x441E50 | int | __cdecl | SimulationGrantReward | __int16 iRewardID, BOOL bAddReward | Mostly understood | Adds a city progression reward if (bAddReward), removes it if (!bAddReward). | |
0x40174E | 0x42B4D0 | int | __cdecl | SimulationPrepareDisaster | DWORD *a1, __int16 a2, __int16 a3 | Somewhat understood | Seems to prepare the starting location for disasters. | |
0x401820 | 0x413520 | void | __stdcall | SimulationProcessTick | Mostly understood | Called from GameDoIdleUpkeep based on game speed | Advances the calendar date and performs all appropriate daily/monthly/etc. tasks. May need better name? | |
0x401CA8 | 0x464550 | int | __stdcall | SimulationUpdateWaterConsumption | Barely explored | Called whenever tiles are placed and on SimulationProcessTick day 2 | Vanilla SC2K doesn't call this when tiles are placed on cities over 50,000 pop. | |
0x401E65 | 0x471BC0 | char | __stdcall | SimulationDetermineCityCrisis | Somewhat understood | Called on the last day of the month and from sub_406A50 | Changes the city status line if there's a new demand, and also starts disasters. | |
0x40217B | 0x468150 | int | __stdcall | SimulationRCIDemandUpdates | Somewhat understood | Called from SimulationProcessTick day 22? | Handles all RCI bar updates for "zone balance" | |
0x4022FC | 0x4358B0 | int | __cdecl | SimulationGrowthTick | __int16 a1, __int16 a2 | Barely explored | Called from SimulationProcessTick on days 4-17 | The arguments and algorithms are not yet understood. |
0x402527 | 0x45CF10 | int | __stdcall | SimulationStartDisaster | Somewhat understood | Called from GameDoIdleUpkeep | Calls the appropriate disaster creation function and then runs disaster ticks | |
0x4026B2 | 0x4734A0 | int | __usercall | SimulationGrowSpecificZone | int a1@<ebp>, __int16 iX, __int16 iY, __int16 iTileID, __int16 iZoneType | Barely explored | Called from SimulationGrowthTick | Might be an omit-frame-pointer function? |
0x4026F8 | 0x467860 | int | __stdcall | SimulationUpdatePowerConsumption | Barely explored | Called whenever tiles are placed and on SimulationProcessTick day 21 | Vanilla SC2K doesn't call this when tiles are placed on cities over 50,000 pop. | |
0x402A3B | 0x405AB0 | DWORD | __thiscall | GameDoIdleUpkeep | CWinApp* this | Somewhat understood | Called from CWinApp::OnIdle via the class CWinApp vtable | Could stand to have a better name. |
0x402A9F | 0x40C100 | __int16 | __tstdcall | SimulationProcessTimer | Mostly understood | Called from the root window's AFX_MSGMAP to handle WM_TIMER messages | ||
0x402D2E | 0x4734A0 | __int16 | __stdcall | SimulationCalculateBudgetUpdates | Barely explored | 00 | ||
0x403017 | 0x4142C0 | int | __stdcall | SimulationProposeMilitaryBase | Somewhat understood | Called from SimulationProcessTick on day 23 and from "gilmartin" cheat | ||
0x401154 | 0x46A840 | int | __stdcall | SimulationLandValueMapCalc | Somewhat understood | Called from SimulationProcessTick on day 3 | This is where the land value and pollution simulator lives. |
Thunk address | Main address | Return type | Calling convention | Function name | Arguments | Status | Related functions | Notes |
0x40132A | 0x4562E0 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickSailboat | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | Has a rare chance of turning into Nessie |
0x40137F | 0x454EA0 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickTornado | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | |
0x401992 | 0x4548C0 | void | __usercall | SimulationThingTickMonster | int a1@<ebx>, __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | The function signature of this one is odd and needs investigation. |
0x401B6D | 0x455500 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickTrain | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | Used for XTHG_TRAIN_ENGINE and XTHG_UNKNOWN_3 |
0x401EBA | 0x452FA0 | int | __cdecl | SimulationSpawnMaxisMan | __int16 iDisasterID | Barely explored | Called from SimulationStartDisaster | Creates the Thing for Maxis Man and determines based on iDisasterID what his behavior should be |
0x40236F | 0x456760 | void | __usercall | SimulationThingTickCargoShip | int a1@<ebx>, __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | IDA really doesn't like this function for some reason |
0x402464 | 0x450890 | int | __stdcall | SimulationDoThingTick | Barely explored | Called from GameDoIdleUpkeep via sub_401DBB | Does the individual simulation ticks for Things every 30-45 ms. | |
0x4024AA | 0x455020 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickMaxisMan | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | If you shoot down a helicopter and it lights something on fire, it's your own dang fault |
0x4027A2 | 0x453980 | void | __usercall | SimulationThingTickAirplane | int a1@<ebx>, __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick | Another one with a bizarre function signature |
0x4028D3 | 0x4546F0 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickExplosion | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called SimulationDoThingTick | |
0x402ED2 | 0x4540C0 | void | __cdecl | SimulationThingTickHelicopter | __int16 iXTHGIndex | Barely explored | Called from SimulationDoThingTick |
Thunk address | Main address | Return type | Calling convention | Function name | Arguments | Status | Related functions | Notes |
0x401096 | 0x4251D0 | int | __thiscall | SoundPlaySound | int* this, int iSoundID | Mostly understood | Called in so many places | Calls through to sub_4802B0, which does the buffer loads and calls to sndPlaySoundA |
0x401389 | 0x480890 | MCIERROR | __thiscall | MusicSendMCICommands | unsigned __int16* this, char* szMidiPath | Understood | Called by MusicPlayMidi | Sends the actual MCI commands to play/stop a MIDI file |
0x401479 | 0x480770 | MCIERROR | __thiscall | MusicPlayMidi | unsigned __int16* this, int iSongID | Understood | Called by MusicPlay | Turns iSongID into szMidiPath |
0x4015FF | 0x480B20 | void | __thiscall | AllocateSoundBuffers | DWORD *this, int a2 | Barely explored | Called by CMainFrame:OnCreate | Allocates sound buffers; replaced by sc2kfix |
0x401A9B | 0x425290 | int | __thiscall | MusicPlayNextRefocusSong | unsigned __int16** this | Understood | Called in a few places | Loops through the non-event music; replaced by sc2kfix |
0x401CE9 | 0x425220 | int | __thiscall | SoundStopSound | int* this, int iSoundID | Understood | Called in so many places | Does a few checks then blasts out sndPlaySoundA(0, 0) |
0x401F9B | 0x480140 | void | __stdcall | LoadSoundBuffer | int iSoundID, void* lpBuffer | Understood | Called before a few sound calls | This and many other sound functions are replaced by sc2kfix |
0x402414 | 0x425260 | int | __thiscall | MusicPlay | unsigned __int16** this, iSongID | Understood | Called by anything that changes the music | Basically just a trampoline to MusicPlayMidi |
0x402BE4 | 0x480AE0 | MCIERROR | __thiscall | MusicStop | int this | Understood | Called by anything that stops the music | Sends an MCI_CLOSE command to the sequencer device |
Thunk address | Main address | Return type | Calling convention | Function name | Arguments | Status | Related functions | Notes |
0x401019 | 0x47FC30 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod32 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 32 | ||
0x40116D | 0x47FAA0 | __int16 | __cdecl | RandomWordLCGMod | __int16 iModulus | Understood | Returns a random word from the LCG modulo iModulus | |
0x401415 | 0x47FC70 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod64 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 64 | ||
0x4017AD | 0x47FAE0 | int | __stdcall | GetRandomLFSRState | Understood | Returns the state of the LFSR | ||
0x401CAD | 0x47FAF0 | __int16 | __cdecl | RandomWordLFSRMod | __int16 iModulus | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo iModulus | |
0x401D9D | 0x47FCF0 | unsigned __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSR | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR | ||
0x401F19 | 0x47FA80 | int | __cdecl | SeedRandomLCG | int iSeed | Understood | Sets the LCG state | |
0x402261 | 0x47FB70 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod4 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 4 | ||
0x4025E5 | 0x47FBF0 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod16 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 16 | ||
0x402626 | 0x47FAD0 | int | __cdecl | SeedRandomLFSR | int iSeed | Understood | Sets the LFSR state | |
0x40288D | 0x47FBB0 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod8 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 8 | ||
0x402946 | 0x47FB30 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod2 | Understood | Called by SimulationThingTickTrain and SimulationDoDisasterTick | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 2 | |
0x402B3F | 0x47FCB0 | __int16 | __stdcall | RandomWordLFSRMod128 | Understood | Returns a random word from the LFSR modulo 128 |
Thunk address | Main address | Return type | Calling convention | Function name | Arguments | Status | Related functions | Notes |
0x40219E | 0x4815E0 | INT_PTR | __thiscall | CGameDialog::DoModal | LPCDLGTEMPLATEA* this | Understood | Called in so many places | Seems to pause the simulation, call CDialog::DoModal(this), then restore the simulation. |
0x40281A | 0x481300 | struct CRuntimeClass* | __stdcall | CGameDialog::GetRuntimeClass | Understood |